Форум » РАЗНОЕ - MISCELLANEOUS » SPWLA2012 » Ответить


Mikhail Markov: У нас наступила оттепель, разрешили ездить на конференции с докладами. Заправили целых 3 доклада на SPWLA, может что и пройдет. Конференция 2012 будет в Колумбии, может народу соберется не так много как в Штатах, да и визу получить легче. На мой взгляд конференции SPWLA сильно испортились, физика ушла, осталась одна Case History. Почти все секции по интерпретации, почти нет аппаратурных докладов и совершенно нет новых физичеких моделей и решений прямых задач. Ниже ставлю текст моего абстракта. THE DIELECTRIC PERMITTIVITY OF CARBONATE FORMATIONS WITH DIFFERENT POROSITY TYPES. Mikhail Markov, Elena Kazatchenko, Aleksandr Mousatov, Evgeny Pervago Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo The specific characteristic of carbonate formations is a complex pore space that includes small-scale primary pore system and large-scale secondary porosity represented by vugs, cracks and channels. In this paper we study the influence of the pore microstructure and saturation of pore systems on the dielectric permittivity of double-porosity formations. The calculations were fulfilled using the unified-model approach that is based on the simulation of different physical properties from the single microstructure model applying the symmetric variant of the effective medium approximation (EMA). A porous rock is considered as a composed material that consists of solid grains and fluid-filled pores of a small scale (primary porosity) that form a homogeneous isotropic matrix. Secondary pores of a large scale are represented by inclusions of different shapes placed in this matrix. Each component of the rock (grains, primary and secondary pores) is approximated by a three-axial ellipsoid. The aspect ratios of grain and primary-pore ellipsoids are introduced as a function of porosity. The shapes of secondary pores such as a crack, vug and channel are modeled by varying ellipsoidal aspect rations. The distribution of saturating immiscible fluids in a pore space is described by two models: (1) water (the wetting component) is concentrated in a film attached to the pore walls while oil or gas (the non-wetting component) occupies the central part of the pore; in this model the pore is considered as a layered ellipsoid with the wetting component in the outer layer; (2) the saturating fluid contains spherical drops of oil placed in the water. The results obtained for one-pore system media using the unified microstructure model, in which grain and pore shapes are functions of porosity, are in a good agreement with the experimental data and CRIM formula for partially and 100% saturated carbonate formations. The influence of the secondary pores depends on the pore shapes and the values of primary and secondary porosities. However, this influence is less than in the case of electrical conductivity. In fully water saturated formations cracks increase and vugs decrease the dielectric permittivity in comparison with a rock containing only primary porosity. The change of the dielectric permittivity due to the presence of secondary pores (vugs and cracks) increases with decreasing of total oil saturation. The results obtained demonstrate the feasibility of using of the dielectric permittivity in the joint petrophysical inversion for the characterization of double-porosity carbonate formations.

Ответов - 3

БНЕ_Home: У нас есть договора по Колумбии, но лететь уж больно далеко и дорого Да и не факт что оно того стоит Читать полезнее, а других мало кто слушает

viking23: а я вот тоже мечтаю съездить, не между народную конференцию. Теперь планирую осуществить это собственными силами)

bne: Но сдается мне, что их публика не любит цитировать вообще, а россиян в частности А просто поглазеть так Рим и Флоренцию IMHO приятнее

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